Sales of paint
We have the knowledge to help you get the perfect result. If you are unable to visit us we will gladely send you color samples and price. Right price guaranteed.
In Rönnäng on Tjörn we also have a Nordsjö Idé & Design store at 280 sq ft where we sell paint, wallpaper and floor from Nordsjö and Jotun.
Shop opening hours
Weekdays 09.00 – 18.00
Saturdays 10.00 – 14.00
Address: Ängholmsvägen 10,
Stansviks industriområde i Rönnäng
Phone: 0304-67 75 50

Design ideas for the home
Everyone working with us have a strong interest in and curious sense of decor. We know our products and would like to help you to combine them into a harmonious home. We have been extra careful when we have selected our suppliers to work with. All represent good design and high quality at affordable prices.
Talk to us in the shop, you’ll find us in Stansvik’s industrial zone on Ängholmsvägen 10th.
For information on products and inspiration, visit the Nordsjö Ide & Designs or Jotuns website
Ship-and rust protection paint
Sales for ship and rust protection can be handled via or phone to Pär and Markus. We also deliver abroad.